Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our new addition

And no, Carie, I'm not pregnant. We got a puppy! His name is Maddux, he's a Cairn Terrier, 10 weeks old, and only 3 lbs. Sooo adorable & the kids LOVE him!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Not my baby anymore

Bryce got his first haircut. We finally had to cut his gorgeous blond locks because they were getting in his eyes and too tough to comb through each day. I am totally regretting it. While his new haircut is very handsome, he just doesn't look like my baby anymore.

Good-bye, baby curls.

Hello big boy.

We Will Sham-Rock You!

Ally is playing t-ball on the Green Clovers this year. They are so adorable in their uniforms and are actually starting to get the concept of the game. I wish I had video of a few classic moments, like when she hit the ball and ran to third, or turned her back on the ball just as it was thrown to her so she could cover her base. It's too cute to watch the action, but a couple pictures will have to suffice.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 Redux

I'm an awful blogger. Here's some events from the end of 2008 that we forgot to blaaagh about...

Ally lost a tooth.

Bryce's incredible climbing skills take him to new heights.

Bryce turns two years old.


Caught in the act.

Halloween was 'killer' this year; the kids are learning the value of candy!

Bryce demonstrates proper dragon etiquette.

Jalama in November, so nice...

Cyndi walked in the breast cancer 3-day.

Here's Cyndi at the finish. I nearly choked due to the high amount estrogen in the air. Seriously though, walking 60 miles is no easy task. You go girl!

Thanksgiving '08 and our first time cooking the turkey 'East County' style. The bird tasted exellent and no one suffered 3rd degree burns.

We didn't take many Christmas pictures (going to have to check with the grandparents), but here's one.

That's it for 2008! Belated new years resolution: blahhg more! -Will

Friday, March 20, 2009

Traffic Jam at the Fuller House

This is the state of my livingroom today.  Bryce will spend hours just driving and lining up his cars.  And he freaks if you mess them up.  Maybe some of my OCD tendencies have rubbed off...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ever wonder what the inside of a Wii looks like?

Yeah, well neither did I. But unfortunately we had to find out when Bryce stuck a plastic coin in ours. After a very involved surgery, Will located and extracted the foreign object. Lucky for Bryce the procedure was successful and we are up and running again. I'm not sure what would have happened to him if there was permanent damage. Anyway, here are pictures of the endeavor that we truly thought was going to be fatal.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ally!

Last week my big girl turned 6.  It's hard to believe that we've only had her for 6 years, but it's even harder to believe that I have a 6-year-old!  We celebrated throughout the entire week with donuts at school, cupcakes at daisies and a family celebration at her favorite restaurant, Souplantation.  The only reason I have to list the celebrations, is that I have no proof.  I am a horrible mom and didn't take a single birthday picture!  

We are so lucky to have been blessed with such an amazing daughter.  She's affectionate, brilliant, and pretty much perfect.  She is such a wonderful big sister to her pest of a little brother and a huge help.  I love you, my Ally girl!

More pictures to follow since I am promising to be better at using my camera from here on out...